Friday 2 March 2012

March as they say...

In with a lion, out with a lamb... Oh O!! mild.... or

A dry March and a wet May? Fill barns with corn and hay.
As it rains in March so it rains in June.
March winds and April showers? Bring forth May flowers.

Who writes this stuff? Anyway, It is mild. I had a bit of a panic thing go off on Monday, as I mentally listed things coming up, things needing doing. What;s the best way to sort this out? Make a list, and fill out the calendar and then start at No1.
That sounds obvious but sometimes, when you are tied in a mental knot you forget.
P.S 24 hrs in a day, and some of that is needed for Peace of Mind time.

Part of the panic was/is, the weekends fill up and suddenly it's Monday again. I normally have a selfish day on  Monday. Bake and sew, no classes, homework with children, soaky bath time and slippers and supper.
Anyhowz.. I got my dates mixed up too, the AGM in Dundee is having a competition and I thought D-day was the 16th when if fact it was the 2nd (yesterday). So there was stitching at midnight, squeezing in moments which has added to my flippin love for my B.E.D...
So back to the anyhowz... I got it posted yesterday afternoon and post office lady thought it might get to it's destination by today. So fingers crossed. It actually hangs better that it looks here, at the point the pic was taken the sleeve at the back was pinned on. I did do a bit more stitching around the thistles.

I also took the childers to the Ingilston Quilt Show in Edinburgh. We left in a leisurely fashion and were there to the end when it was lovely and quiet. Mr H had left our tea in the oven for our return and I sat and gazed at my wares...
This pick excludes the metreage that is waiting to be sliced for borders on a couple of quilts. Maybe tomorrow, If Mr H does the saturday running about.
In chatting to a husband of a stall owner, I was asked... "so do you have a lot of this sort of thing for patchwork?" as he waved his hand across the fabric neatly folded on his table...
" Oh.. I fumbled .. that is like asking a person how much money in the bank they have, I couldn't possibly admit... " 
Truly!! I was fumblingly mumbling and embarrassed to be asked.  Too much to hide you might think. 

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