Sunday 11 March 2012

Chicken and Sour Dough.

Well I am about to come to the end of my penultimate term doing my little sewing club at the primary school. I have taken the decision that once my No2 D finishes up in June and gets ready to move to the high school I will hang up the scissors, so to speak. In actual fact I think that would be impossible for me on a permanent  basis, but it's someone else's turn. This term we have been whizzing along with chicks -
the other mum helper came up with the brilliant idea of weighting these chicks to use them as doorstops... wish that had come to me earlier, for that is what we would have done!! They are now trying to get a smaller chick done, which has a hole fit for a creme egg - two weeks to go.

Another make-y thing I'm chuffed to bits with (I hope) is my Sour Dough starter. I have been making bread now for some time. I have always had an intense dislike for plastic bag bread (that my children adore). So much so that after reading an article in a national newspaper, I was inclined to write. The result being a photographer being sent to take pictures of me (!) For publishing my letter...
Husband was greatly embarrased as newspapers is his "field" and he knew the photographer. It was very amusing... I digress...
Now the children are getting fed up with the same bread and so I, after reading and watching various methods, have gone for it and have a gorgeous jar of SD starter. Last night the sponge was made before bed.
My dough is now sitting rising - I hope -and unlike ordinary bread it will take a little longer to rise, but it smells amazing! Please let it work. 

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