Saturday 12 November 2011

Sewing and crochet.. crochet and sewing..

Ok, so yesterday, Friday - a day that I have some time to myself, I FORCED myself to sew. Yes FORCED! I have not been doing very much of it at all, by that I am mean serious quilt and patch making projects. 5 min wonders have occurred but for some reason I have not felt like it much. I don't know if it's the weather changing. It has been unusually mild over October here (Bonnie Scotland), which means my workroom is 'atmospherically speaking' not bloody freezing - which is a good thing! BUT the last 2 wks it has gone down a degree or 6... which means, heating on or brave it out? OR go and sit in another room watching B+W films crocheting... ahem....
My tea cosy is not finished yet. I am enjoying myself encrusting it in pretty flowers, none of which are sewn on - just pinned at the moment. 
It's my little Cath Kidston teapot that was just singing for this treatment. I just typed Crochet a Poppy into the search engine and off I went, with as many as my leftover red cotton would allow. The only thing that I feel I keep doing when people comment on it is.. "I have donated!" The more Novembers of Remembrance that come and go, the more it seems to  me, to feel more and more touching. Not forgetting the past wars at all, but connecting them to the Now ones. 
Funny (strange) that one of my favourite B + W films was on this week and it still gets me going...

Did I show you my birthday dresser? It's 18" high and sits so well next to my little chair with it's thimble on the arm, I stop and open the doors every time I pass it in the hall. My miniature Spode blue plates fit perfectly into the shelves.

...and... although maybe I haven't been stitching as much as I should, two of my ladies who have been working on Quilt-as-you-go quilts, have been really busy of late. They have turned a huge corner and are nearing the end, their quilts are truly gorgeous and really very big!!

1 comment:


I'm going to follow your lead and force myself to sew this weekend! I don't know what's been holding me back apart from being generally busy and naughtily allowing my craftroom to get very very cluttered. No more! This weekend I'm going to finish off the quilt I started seven months ago at the Worn and Washed workshop. I WILL do it! Hope all is well with you Paula.

