Sunday 19 June 2011

Busy old time...

Even though I finished my evening classes I have felt busier than ever. School shows, sports days, trips... are filling the time and I am thankful that I have had the time to focus on them. Maybe I am due a break, like the uncoiling spring about to go - I am ready for the holidays. I still must make a list as I have some very important things ahead before we go on holiday (YEAH!) a wedding cake most importantly. That's to be done this week, as much as can be as two of the layers are to be made last minute.
I treated myself to new shoes - 25% off them so I was VERY pleased.
We had a fantastic time last weekend in Edinburgh. A friend from Art School was married in the most beautiful Castle. So we had plenty Ceilidh dancing and champagne...
This weekend we have been bust busy busy. We had my nieces staying and we decided that fish'n'chips by the sea were in order, so we did our little trip down to Troon. It's about 20 mins from our house to the west coast town of Troon which is a lovely little jaunt. We do it very regularly with the dog, and she enjoys a right good run along the beach.
Well... we did comment on the whiff in the air when we arrived, but we continued with our walk. 
Just as this pic was taken the smell became overpowering and I started walking towards my husband and the dog. I was wading through seaweed - I THOUGHT, and then realised it wasn't just seaweed. It was sewage... Well, it was like a scene from Jaws, with shouting "GET OUT OF THE WATER!!" followed by "GET OFF OF THE BEACH!!" Youngest daughter screaming "IT'S IN MY SHOES!!"
We did laugh, after we had washed our wellies down and bagged up smelly shoes for the bin. 
Tonight I have just come home from a lovely evening at the Art School, celebrating past students returning for the last time to buildings that are being knocked down. They are rebuilding with something someone/group feels more appropriate for Glasgow School of Art, to sit opposite the famous MacIntosh building. Personally I think the 60s concrete is what it is and it should be loved for that reason, instead of torn down to be replaced by a glass monstrocity...
My old desk...
memories... :-)

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