Thursday 14 April 2011

The sun came out...

... enough for sitting eating outside and wearing shorts (kids not me - not THAT warm). After a sadly wetter week the weather picked up and life has moved into spring/summer indoor/outdoor. The kitchen door gets left open instead of "oh shut the door it's cold", the dog has been sunbathing. This makes me smile. When we first went to see the puppies, before Miss H was chosen - or chose us really - her mother and grandma both were to be found sitting facing the sun, eyes half shut, chin up to the warmth, basking in the sunshine. Now Miss H does the exact same thing. sweet.
We had a lovely day in St Andrews at the end of last week. I had made a meatloaf and homemade bread for our picnic. We took our chairs, windbreakers, etc for a right good picnic-y sit on the beach etc. The wind was too much though and we ended up eating in the car. 
We had a play on the beach with Miss H but No2 D and I gave up and retreated to the windproof motor. Ended up falling asleep for a wee nap, very nice :-) Followed by fish'n'chips which were absolutely delicious.
I also took advantage of the sunshine to wash some quilts, won't take pictures of my washing really but thought this quilt was like stained glass when I was sitting behind it. It's quality, natural wadding inside it but the sun was so bright it shone through.
AND... I am quite pleased with myself here. I have been playing with my laptop and - it may not mean much to some - but I have managed to make a new header!! I have been staring at this thing for so long trying to work out how to do it. Last night my husband came home after midnight to find me tucked up in bed, laptop on and making my fourth montage. I can now cut and paste pics and blend the background away - it's FUN too!!!

1 comment:


love the new header! I will miss the first couple of classes on Tuesday I'm afraid because they are keeping me in hospital for two weeks further but hopefully I will make it along eventually. Going to call the college later today and put them in the picture. See you soon!

