Sunday 10 April 2011

Lovely Week 1

Well that's us at an end to week 1 of our holiday break. Mr H returned to work today and will be very late in due to The Masters. I'm watching this through my fingers as I type this... poor McIlroy, he's lost it. Will Tiger come through?
We were thinking of going camping last week but the weather was so terrible, rain rain rain... again and again and again. it's really a pain how much we seem to get. The end of the week it picked up a bit but still cold winds!! After a bit of a rant to the skies the sun came out on saturday. All my doing I'll have you know ;-]
I'm showing this terrible veggie patch to make me get my act together. For the last 2 years the trampoline has been over it. The grass that was under the original position of the trampoline was not growing. We had just got Miss H
and so the veggie patch was on hold. The grey/brown bit is the underside of an old carpet which has layen there to stop weeds and has done a pretty good job. Anyway we have decided to build a little fence thing to keep her from doing any business amongst my edibles making them in-edibles... 
I might work on it this week. Mr H does not enjoy DIY preferring to feign shock at things that appear or are built in his absence. After all I have constructed many a flat pack incl 3 kitchens. Our fence out the front appeared one day when he returned from work to park in the driveway. To give him his due, he did cement in the fence posts before he left...
So I have managed to get some seeds in, some onions and potatoes chitting happily. 
I am ALWAYS full of enthusiasm at this time of year and hope that it continues. There's always a point when I can't bothered a few months in, then the bit when things are flowering well and looking very nice when I return to the enthusiastic gardener role. I love big pots of colours, and this year I have bought tiny plugs of geraniums which I have now potted on and they are looking very nice thank you!!
Then today look what we found..
AND later on a butterfly was sniffing around my purple azalea, but didn't get a pic. Could we be heading for summer?? Mr H said weather forecast is saying wind, rain, snow... help!!

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