Wednesday 27 April 2011

April coming to an end already!!

Ever sit and try and think back what you've been doing - knowing that everyday was busy with something - but for the life of me (what does that saying mean exactly?) - I cannot remember... it'll come, maybe.

Anyway, the children went back to school for 4 days. I had very cleverly or incredibly stupidly (think the latter) made a dentist appointment for 9am on Good Friday. So we had to get up early on our day off, bad planning. In actual fact it meant we were then able to get some shopping done afterwards and be home at an earlier time. It did amaze me how busy the supermarket was, particularly the chocolate egg aisle!!
So there's been plenty of this...
Even better the sun decided to come to the west coast of Scotland :-D so we were able to sit outside for our evening meal which was the second time this year.
Mr H and I have managed to put up this...
which I am very pleased with. We just have to get the sides organised, maybe next week aft No2 Ds birthday. The wood is lovely hardwood and was pulled out of a skip so - even better.
We had a family day out on Easter saturday. 13 of us in total and Miss H. A day trip to St Andrews, picnic, chairs, windbreakers, tables, the whole shebang. Everything except sunshine which is in the hands of the gods - and they weren't sharing...
Que sera as they say. It was a pretty wet day but it didn't dampen our spirits, and in the end we were rewarded with evening sunshine and ice creams.
So after a lovely weekend the children went back to school, for 3 days this week. BUT there has been a bit of this...
oh my word - it was so cold I had to light it up and get the coal on - cosybags!!
AND so the greatest excitement of the week has been my starting my new class. I have enrolled at the Art School to do a 6 wk Stained Glass class, and this is what I made today -
I am very happy and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Nxt week I will play at fusing glass, and nervously am wondering where do I put the glass hobby?? I am aware that one can lose oneself in a hobby - hence one converted garage now sewing room, and maybe a few bits of fabric, bobbins of thread.... OK this isn't a confessional!! I don't drink (much, very often) :-)

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