Thursday 25 November 2010

Nearly December... ALREADY!!

Well I am sure it's not that long ago since our holidays in the sun but it seems I have been doing a Rip Van Winkle... it's December next week!! What? It also seems that a week turns into two, three and before you know it it as been a too long gap for me to leave this. I told myself I would be efficient in this blog thing and up to now I have. Tsk tsk..
Well I should really take a pic of the new advent count down I finally (after two years got together) - remember the clearing out post I meant it. I have some lovely things stuffed here, stacked away there. I must try and use them up, and the Nancy Halvorsen advent stand is just too nice to leave in a bag so pic to come.
Last week, No1 D made some cake...
It was Children in Need night and it's times like that I am glad of our SkyBox. I am not a big fan of the local lady who does the Scottish event so I can tune in to Sir Tel in London, and that's a relief. It's the same at New Year. I certainly enjoy the traditional music but I can't do the presenter. And we had lovely cake :-D
Today I made the second batch of mince pies. I made my own mincemeat this year and was a wee bit disappointed with the first batch but I filled the second lot up with extra brandy and sugar and they are good!
So I can feel a sit down and a cuppa coming on...

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