Tuesday 12 October 2010

Got the laptop back.

When I announced I was treating myself to my lovely laptop I made it quite clear that the computer upstairs (non-portable) was free to use for smaller fingers. Then No1 D got an Apple second-hand from Mr. H's work when they were upgrading technologically. So she won a watch... can you feel the "but" coming?

BUT - these are not so much fun as sitting with the laptop whilst watching telly. So I have to wait and wait and wait and wait.. and it can be a pain I must admit.
Anyway, last week I was busily doing this wedding cake for my cousin and his bride-to-be. I didn't want to post the pics until after the event - which I still feel tender from :-[ 
It was a really great weekend up north with lots of dancing and chinking of glasses - hence the heed!
So yesterday was a lovely quiet day, sitting, so out came the crotchet squares that have been going since.. old PollyHope blog  and so, maybe eventually, I will have something that I have always wanted to be able to make...
This is only a bit of it..

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