Sunday 9 May 2010

Still optimistically sunny here..

Well, the sun shone yesterday and we had an industrious day in the garden. First proper time this year. Well, not strictly true, we did clear up a couple of weeks ago. So it was a bit more fun this weekend. The shed FINALLY got painted. Usually I go for the old english green, but this time went for the Wild Thyme. I remember going to the garden of a great uncle  as a kid and everything wooden was in perfect nick and painted deep green. It's that oldy traditional tidyness of a garden I like. Never achieved it!
Then today I whipped up Chocolate Whoopies from "Something for the Weekend" on BBC2 this morning. They were pretty good, really good actually.
A cakey biscuit with squished marshmallows sandwiched between two of them. Really good. We didn't get the 18 recommended because I made them BIG...

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