Tuesday 1 December 2009

They came again...

Well, it's been quite busy here.
The "fire" men came back... not because I called 999, no no ... the men came on friday and finished putting in our lovely real fire.

and we are VERY happy. Nothing big and flashy, just a simple looking fire that would fit in with our old mantle. The tiles we picked were a bit off the cuff... yeah, they'll do fine.. not too much thought, because - based on history - it takes us rather a long time to pick anything. so they are italian something or other and look quite stone-y. Very nice indeed.

So the bold girl moved in quickly to claim her spot!! In fact it does get a bit cosy near the front so she sorts herself on the chair after a bit. I need to read the Girl Guiders manual because it takes me too long to light the thing, with rather too much muttering!! The D's throwing positive comments every now and then. lovely D's.
And once on the go, teapot out and the tin of mince pies.. firsts this year.

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