Thursday 10 December 2009


Well we have had a bit of a "cold share" here. Who can save themselves from a child hacking away and sharing their coughs! Not I. Particularly when they insist on hanging from your neck cuddling away.
And Then I found myself, Christmas shopping the other day and as I walked into a passage way to get to some lovely shops amongst a large number of people, a man coughed the most impressive of hooky hacky coughs without covering the generous gob of his. I remember watching a programme some time ago where it showed how colds and coughs are spread - and it freaked me out it did! Maybe I will start wearing a mask, I don't often catch a cold but the thought of being ill at this time of year is awful.
Cheery old me eh?!

Anyway, socks fit me, and look lovely with my navy crocks, however...
Tip to Self - Don't stand in puddles!
Then yesterday a parcel arrived. Well, one of several really. The fun part of internet shopping is ordering online and forgetting what you send for. Not the part where the cc bill arrives.

So this arrived and as I type, it is made and has just to be hemmed, hopefully it will  get done at the weekend. Not much room for sewing tomorrow. Cooking and cleaning ahead. The bold boy is painting at the moment, half eleven at night and he's trying to get it done... I am raising my eyebrows, he has had this week off you see and there has been a slightly creative use of time going on. Tonight we did take the 2 d's to the cinema, first time we 4 have actually been for months x months... "The Nativity", which was quite funny and a lovely change from animation, although I do say go and see "Up" it is so good.
Will try and get the hem done to show, I am very into making clothes.

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