Sunday 29 March 2009

Friday Evening Stroll

This should have been put in before Sunday but I have only just realised how to NOT lose the pics from my iphone when I plug it into the computer. Sounds silly I know but I have misplaced some nice pics... I dare say they will appear when I am tinkering...

Anyway, lovely spring evening on friday so we - only just - got the bikes in the boot. Thank..... for an estate as the bold boy says we dont need the bike carrier that everyone else seems to use.. Oh no! I can man handle the ladies bike (which TALL No.1 D uses) and the MUDDY one that No.2 likes to shoot through the sludge in.. I can lift them without getting muddy into the boot... yeah right! As soon as we get back from our travels I am off down to the bike shop for one of those hooky things!

He's just afraid he will reverse into a parking space and forget its there. A bit like the time we were in France and drove into a wall, he didnt believe there was anything behind the copious ivy...

The travels are to come.

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