Sunday 29 March 2009

Dig for Britain

Well, it's been a very fulfilling weekend. I knew I should have taken "before" and "after" shots but I was much too embarrassed by the thought. Yesterday I spent time digging the veg patch. Not very big but there and ignored for much too long and then today I emptied a LONG ignored flower bed.

So now I have an old carpet, much to the amusement of half a dozen children playing "mum's and teenagers" - what has happened to the dads?? Anyway, the old carpet is upside down and I will give it a couple of weeks to see if it works to block out and weeds on my veggie patch - which has a dozen bulbs of garlic that have survived the bad gardening ethic that has existed!

And oh the joy of washing windows in a glass house. Today it looked quite smart shining at the bottom of the garden, a few little seedling trays sitting on the shelves smiling at their mother - she cares after all!

And theme of the week has been rustling up...

the gardening Sunbonnet Sue. Not normally my cup of tea but I seem to been widening my "likes" to almost anything and my "makes" into .. yes.. just about anything (once).

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