Monday 1 August 2011

What a beauty...

Well i have the cable now after sending Mr H up into the attic, just can't get the computer to accept the camera when it's plugged in. I suspect it is because the camera is needing charged... such a technical whizz me!!
In the meantime... great excitement for me last week. I took possession (it's 9/10ths of the law) of my mother's old bike. I had decided not to use the car at all this summer, and have failed miserably. So last week I walked up to mum's and down in the basement rooted out this beauty...
It's from early 1990s, maybe late 80s. My mum decided she was going to take up cycling, bought the bike, used it once and then hated it. It looks brand new and now has my big basket on the front. It's truly a beauty.

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