Saturday 5 March 2011

I'm just loving tulips...

... and I wished that I got my act together and planted them out last autumn so that they were starting top "spring" up now. There are a few but they need digging up and a warm cuddle and some sweet talking because they have faded in the years since their planting.
They were a gift a few years ago, 7 which I find amazing. I broke my shoulder and instead of a bunch of flowers, my quilting friends gave me bulbs which was the best idea. That way they never die but some of them have given up. Bit like my skateboarding (hence the broken shoulder), and yes I was old enough to know better - with the passing of time I can look back at the hilarious moments. Like my mother driving me to hospital because I refused an ambulance but she hit every pothole in the road... OR my eldest, 6 at the time, phoning her father (who was at work) by accident instead of her grandma, for help, and just before putting the phone down on him said "can't talk to you, mum's fallen off the skateboard and broken her arm"
Anyway, there is something about tulips that I love, They are all beautiful in colour and shape!

1 comment:


I planted a few in the autumn but they haven't flowered fact they look like they've been nibbled by the ever hungry slugs! I adore all the spring bulbs though, I love the fact that you bury them in the ground and leave them and then they pop up all by themselves. Unless the slugs and squirrels get to them that is!

