Sunday 12 December 2010

shopping in town.

Ever take a look upwards when you are in shops? This was in JIGSAW a converted bank in town. A beautiful building that thankfully is in use. So many buildings can become shut down and forgotten about.
That was yesterday, today we took a run into the west end. The Art Gallery were doing a weekend "drop in and make a christmas decoration" and I thought my two would like that BUT. The other kids were about 3 years old so they were a little self conscious, so we just had a wander around the painting galleries. For a change. Usually it's the downstairs area with the stuffed animals, dinosaurs etc. 
We ended up having a coffee in the main foyer/hall where the Christmas tree was set up and looking - as I pointed out - very understated and pretty. Then the crowd that had gathered, who were singing carols, did a count down and a cheer and hundreds of lights were suddenly flickering away. Not very observant!! The organ was playing and it is pretty impressive.
On the way out No2 D caught someone's eye... can you see her?

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