Tuesday 5 October 2010

Oh dear, too busy, too busy :-[

It has been over a week of dashing from one thing to another, to another, to another. It'll be alright next week and back down into third gear, but at the moment it's been forth to fifth constantly.
And isn't it always the time you feel like dusting, or cleaning... or is that avoidance! To get me through it all I have been slipping half a teaspoon of sugar in my tea. I know - SHOCKING!
Just before the rush we had a day out Largs
It looks like somewhere in the West Indies. It was a lovely day. I made some bread and soup for our picnic, which was closely followed by ice creams from Nardinis and squeezing in some fish'n'chips before we left. Truth be told we pretty much ate from the moment we arrived.

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