Friday 29 October 2010

Halloween on it's way.

What a nice morning. Haven't done half of what I planned, isn't that always the way. Popped up to get toffee apple bits n bobs, and spent WAY more than planned in supermarket. Isn't it always the way.
Came home and made some tasty beetroot soup. Decided to use my handy Pampered Chef chopper to save getting my hands all purple (kids sewing club today - might put them off).. so happily bang bang banging beetroot too much and slinging it in pot, when one biggy rolled off the board. Had to catch it, juice was chasing it, threw out a hand to grab... beetroot juice chasing it...
...disaster, beetroot everywhere, juice on me, floor, worktop, eggs sitting innocently nearby!!! Should have just used a knife and plastic bags on my hands :-/ Isn't that always the way.

Anyway, then, not to be beaten by kitchen madness, threw together Pumpkin Muffins. Now, I've had a go at a lot of things to use up the flesh of the lovely pumpkin and I'm sorry but I have been mightily disappointed BUT these look promising. Waiting for the childers to come home and offer to taste.

Similar to carrot cake idea I think, we'll see.
I did finish another pumpkin to add to the growing menagerie of Halloween decorations - that are still in their box awaiting me to get off my lazy rear.. I'll start after tea. Nieces and nephew filled weekend so I really ought to.

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