Thursday 24 June 2010

This week I have been mainly...

... Quillowing. The boy, (one amongst a bustle of girls) had pointed out that his Auntie had failed to make him a quillow and he wasn't too big on the pink one he was borrowing from sibling. So with his birthday shooting toward me I have been whipping up a cosy snug. I spent yesterday working intently, and I hope to bind it tonight and make the cushion bit.
I found it really hard to pick a pattern and it really wasn't until I was flicking through an older magazine that I stuck on the Irish chain. It is so smart in the navy and red, and a really good quilt to grow with the boy. The starry fleece is for the back and a fab thick snuggly one.
It is also keeping me busy as No1 D is in the south of France on a school trip. Due back at the weekend and so the gap in the house will be filled again. Nearly there.


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