Tuesday 29 June 2010


Well considering it took me a day practically, in amongst the usual business of the day, to cut, piece, quilt, bindings on but not completed. Then a second day/evening in truth to create the cushion part. I really should have had this done by saturday evening. However, I find I have a psychological problem with my "sewing week". I am incredibly productive until friday evening, then it all seems to fall away and is taken over by other things. Maybe a glass of wine... thoughts of the weekend... then all of a sudden it's monday, and house-y things take over. Anyway, it's finished and to be handed to the birthday boy this week as we will miss the actual day.

We found ourselves without childers on saturday so went to the cinema in the middle of the day. What a crime! We went to the www.gft.org.uk/content/ to see Woody Allen's new film, which was enjoyable. Although he fell asleep half way through for a spell and I dozed of near the end! We didn't not enjoy the film, whatever that says. I stayed awake long enough to eat my sweeties.

Then the bold, adventuring D returned with tales of canoeing, kayaking down french rivers, sailing in the med. Jumping off high things tied just with a rope... don't tell me!! She had a ball, and the mosiquitoes seemed to enjoy her company.

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