Monday 9 November 2009

Finished at last!!

Ok... so this is what No2 D is to come home to. I think I began these socks a year and a bit ago (bleh!). When I say began - I had finished one and got past the heel turning on the other. Then it got put away to make christmas things.. then it got moved from safe place to safe place.. then I completely forgot about it. And THEN I bought a bit more sock yarn and thought "I must finish those other socks first!", and then I couldn't find them.
I knew they were in a bag (not a poly bag - a homemade one), and I found myself asking what in the world was that bag like... and then last weekend as I was searching for something else - as is always the way - I found the bag... and in it the socks and I should probably confess while I am at it that the bag handle is held on with pins!
It took me last night and an hour the other night to finish them, that is a disgrace. But on a positive note, they fit her perfectly and last year they would have been too big. I will admit to watching  how to graft the toe section on YouTube about 16 times. Got there in the end. The tea towel underneath is the swedish shop we all know. Maybe for the dishes, maybe for making into something!


And she will appreciate the socks because it is really cold today. Noon time and still frosty where the sun don't shine!

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