Well, indeed, what a difference a week makes. Busy old week, back into the full routine, found myself with a free friday. No. 1 D due back from school at 5pm - aft school club. No. 2 D due back aft 9 PM(!) - tea with friend and school disco. So talk about - what will I do - time.
Bit of this, bit of that...
Did some sewing, walked the dog, pottered meaninglessly (always love a bit of that). THEN decided, let's do something constructive, so I dug out a well grown in flower bed. Ready for a new fence and replanting.
So a few hours of enjoyable digging, pulling, yanking.
Then No.1 D and I did some me and her time, pizza and shopping. At which point my arm was hurting a bit. Just ignored it, didn't think much.
On Saturday my sister visited and gave us a shot of her new toy...
In my dreams! Just lovely. (That's her garden incidently, not mine)
Bit of sore arm, but carried on, as you do.
Then last night it was very uncomfortable, so this morning we went to casualty and where I was told I had damaged my tendon and now I have to wear this lovely thing
Talk about irritating. Typing with one middle finger on right hand, and I am no typist normally. Can't open oven door, do washing, hang out with pegs, sounds good eh? Should be but it's hard sitting doing nothing, REALLY hard. Ds are pretty good at tea though.